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Module: interfaces/RESTInterfaces

Table of contents

Type aliases


Type aliases


Ƭ RESTControllerOptions: object

Type declaration:

Name Type Description
proxy? string If specified, the url which the request will be proxied through
requester (requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions) => Promise<RESTResponseDataType> -
userAgent? string If specified, the user agent that will be used for the requests
xcsrf? string The current XCSRF token
xcsrfRefreshInterval? number Refresh interval in ms for XCSRF token updating
xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries? number The amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF tokens on Token Validation errors
xcsrfSet? number The time in ms when the xcsrf was last set

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:9


Ƭ RESTCreateCookieOptions: object

Type declaration:

Name Type
domain string
hostOnly boolean
httpOnly boolean
key string
value string

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:38


Ƭ RESTRequestHandler: (request: default) => boolean | Error

Type declaration:

▸ (request: default): boolean | Error


Name Type
request default

Returns: boolean | Error

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:6


Ƭ RESTRequestOptions: object

Type declaration:

Name Type Description
body? unknown -
checks? RESTResponseOptions[checks] Sets the state of any checks
excludeCookies? boolean If it should exclude the cookies from being included in the requests
followAllRedirects? boolean If the request should follow all redirects
form? object The form body
formData? object The form data body
headers? object Add some custom headers that will override / merge with the "base" headers
json? unknown[] | { [key: string]: unknown; } | string The JSON body
method? GET | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH | OPTIONS | string The request method to use
proxy? string The proxy to use
qs? object Any query params?
responseOptions? RESTResponseOptions The optional response options
throwHttpErrors? boolean If it should throw http errors if the statuscode is != 200
url string The URL to send the request to
userAgent? string An "overriding" user agent for the request
verification? string Roblox's "old" verification system with general verification tokens
xcsrf? string | boolean If you want to use a "custom" xcsrf token

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:46


Ƭ RESTRequester: (requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions) => Promise<RESTResponseDataType>

Type declaration:

▸ (requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions): Promise<RESTResponseDataType>


Name Type
requestOptions RESTRequestOptions

Returns: Promise<RESTResponseDataType>

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:5


Ƭ RESTResponseDataType: object

Type declaration:

Name Type
body any
headers Record<string, string>
statusCode number
statusMessage string

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:129


Ƭ RESTResponseHandler: (response: default) => boolean | Error

Type declaration:

▸ (response: default): boolean | Error


Name Type
response default

Returns: boolean | Error

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:7


Ƭ RESTResponseOptions: object

Type declaration:

Name Type
allowedStatusCodes? number[]
allowedStatusMessages? string[]
checks? object
checks.body? boolean
checks.captcha? boolean
checks.statusCode? boolean
checks.statusMessage? boolean
checks.xcsrf? boolean
disallowedStatusCodes? number[]
disallowedStatusMessages? string[]
onlyJSON? boolean

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:114



Const DefaultCreateCookieOptions: object

Type declaration:

Name Type
domain string
hostOnly boolean
httpOnly boolean

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:153


Const DefaultRESTControllerOptions: object

Type declaration:

Name Type
proxy undefined
userAgent string
xcsrf undefined
xcsrfRefreshInterval number
xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries number
xcsrfSet undefined

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:159


Const DefaultRESTRequestOptions: object

Type declaration:

Name Type
checks object
checks.body boolean
checks.captcha boolean
checks.statusCode boolean
checks.statusMessage boolean
checks.xcsrf boolean
headers object
method string
responseOptions object
responseOptions.allowedStatusCodes number[]

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:140


Const DefaultRESTResponseOptions: object

Type declaration:

Name Type
allowedStatusCodes number[]

Defined in: interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts:136